Whatever happened to FACTS? Why do we so greedily eat whatever is served by corrupt and morally bereft characters whenever they are granted the opportunity to spew in front of the cameras? Have we forgotten our elementary teachings on creating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis and then coming to a fair and balanced conclusion? I’m so tired of people reveling in ignorant darkness and gulping the regurgitation of uneducated ramblings of others. Some of the things we argue and fight over are void of rational thinking, and are saturated with emotional opinions based on what we heard.
It’s time we develop the ability to think critically and rationally. It’s time we challenge the solely opinionated words of others, rather than accepting them as absolute truth. It’s time we stop depending solely on the knowledge of others as a measure of who we are as individuals. It’s time that we speak with our voices, with our knowledge, in our dialect, to our people, for our causes. If the last sentence translates to race, socio-economics, or cultural identity then you’re still not ready to speak. Once prepared to speak you cannot wait for permission on when and how to speak for fear of lack of elocution or eloquence, for some will see your gift and do their best to stifle your message. Once given the gift to speak don’t squander it with lies, concoctions and yellow journalism-if you cannot fight in an honest way don’t bother entering the ring.
“All it takes is a vocal minority to impact a silent majority”- Just me
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