Monday, May 23, 2011

Is Your Child Following Your Lead

                For many people, May 21, 2011 promised to be a day of excitement.  They looked forward with baited breath about a long foretold, and much anticipated day.  Thousands sold their homes, cars, and various other possessions.  They closed out retirement accounts and spent every penny they had.  All due to the ignorance and misleading of this man, whom I won’t even validate by mentioning his name.  What I do find validity in, is the idea that we do not read.  It’s often said that if you want to hide knowledge from a person put it in a book.  This very incident proves that statement to be true.  You don’t have to be a biblical scholar, know Greek, or attend church on a regular basis to know that this man had no idea what he was talking about.  The Bible clearly states “No man knows the day or the hour” and that “His coming is like a thief in the night”.  This isn’t intended to be a biblical lashing for ignorance.  It is rather a hint at other issues facing us as a nation.
                We don’t read, and we are void of independent thought.  Most of what we know and relay is simply hearsay.  Some of us haven’t opened a book in several years.  Even more so, some of us have never opened a book.  This is alarming and brings to light the reason why our children tend to be more illiterate than ever before and why they would rather be mirror images of others than to create their own identity.  We get angry when we see our children act out things they’ve seen on TV, but we don’t encourage them to read.  Do our children see us reading?  Do they see us with a book/ e-reader in our hands?  Sadly, as a result of not reading, there are a lot of people now left desolate following the ignorant words of some man that has quietly disappeared.  If we don’t encourage our children to read, or model for them what it is to be an independent thinker, then they too can end up socially and intelligently desolate.  Is your child following your lead?

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