Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Color of Poor

I can remember growing up singing the song "Jesus Loves the Little Children".  One part of the song said "Red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in his sight".  It is an innocent song, but it sheds a much needed light that we sometimes forget as we merge into adulthood.  No matter your color, culture, ethnicity, background, etc. we all share some things in common.

I'm often puzzled when political fights turn racial in nature.  The only color that matters when it comes to money is green.  We often forget that there are wealthy people of all colors, and if that is the case then same can be said for poor people.  I'll say it clearly POOR has no color.  Poor doesn't know if you are form the Continent of Africa or from Europe. Poor doesn't discriminate concerning address, heritage, or history.  There are a lot of people that had a lot of money, but now are poor.

This simple blog is just to remind us that no matter where we come from we can never forget that everything we have is a blessing.  Don't let political posturing, or frivolous debates make you feel that you are so much better than your poor fellow neighbors.  Do you know what color poor is?

Just me

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