Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Believe

Many of us have experienced various tests, challenges, and issues in this thing we call life.  Some of them caused tears.  Some caused immense mental and physical pain.  Some of them made us want to actually give up on life, and the challenges associated with it.  Yet, at the end  of it all you are still here to read this blog.

How did you feel after you made it through that storm?  Were you thankful that it was over?  Did it seem as bad as the initial scare?  Did you tell someone else your story, and how you overcame?

Quite often we go through different things in life, and those around us are completely oblivious to what is going on.  They see the smile, and the results of something that has happened.  Sometimes we sit back and watch as other people go through similar struggles, but yet we remain silent.  Some are silent to protect their ego.  Some are silent because they don't know what to say,  Some are silent just because they feel that if they had to go through it, then everyone else should be able to handle it.

I'm a firm believer in the idea, that some lessons can be learned through explanation rather than experience.  In other words, we can help a lot of people if we share our story.  It doesn't always have to be something huge.  On a daily basis, I share "simplewords" with friends on facebook and twitter.  I even wrote a book where I share "simplewords".  Those words are nothing more than my story and life experiences.  I'm asking you to do the same.

For the next 7 days, join me in the "I Believe" campaign.  During this time we will share as many experiences that we can through facebook, twitter, and even in person.  Whenever you get ready to share your experience begin by saying "I Believe".  Example: "I believe that God can make a highway of opportunity out of your dead end situation".  Whether or not you are a spiritual person is of no relevance.  This is simply an opportunity to create hope in the mind of someone else.  Will you join me in the "I Believe" Campaign?

Just me

Anthony J. Albury Jr., MBA is an Author, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Law Student, and Entrepreneur.  Visit his website at to learn more about him, for booking information, and to purchase his book.

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