Monday, October 24, 2011

7 Day Challenge

One of the most common non-productive activities we all participate in is complaining.  Although frustration is real and relevant, what good comes of spending useful hours doing something so useless?  Yes, we all need to vent, but how long do we vent before it becomes detrimental to our progress?  Think about this, every time we complain we give validity to the hater,enemy, bully, etc that created the problem.  Do you really want to give that much "face time" to someone/something that is out to destroy, devalue, or depress you?

For the next 7 days I want you to join me in a challenge against complaining.  I originally wanted to do 30-days, but I believe that if we start small then we will build a strong habit.  Here is the plan:
Starting as soon as you finish reading this post
-We will replace each complaint with  the phrase "And Life Goes On"
-We will not participate in complaint parties
-We will acknowledge the problem, but seek to immediately to find a solution

At the end of these 7 days, we will end this challenge with a personal celebration.  Let's get busy defeating complaining.  

Just me

Anthony J. Albury Jr., MBA is an Author, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Law Student, and Entrepreneur.  Visit his website at to learn more about him, for booking information, and to purchase his book.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What's God Got To Do With It?

It's been a few weeks since I've been able to blog.  I've been sorta busy publishing a book.  Yea, my freshman project is out, "Simplewords: Your Daily Motivational Journal".  Go to my website,, to read about it and to order a copy for everyone in your home.  Nevertheless, I'm back and with something that bothered me tremendously through out the night.

On yesterday, I entered into one of my normal political conversations.  This time the topic was Herman Cain.  After sharing a few choice words about him, I went on to tell my counterpart that I believed Cain was only for the wealthy, and that he could care less for the poor.  In return he replied that one of the biggest reasons people are poor is because of their "ungodly" characters.  Astonished at what I heard, I asked for a clear explanation.  He eventually went on to say that he was in the same category until Jesus woke him up.

Yea, my mouth dropped to the floor, and I almost didn't want to reply out of the sheer absurdity of the comment.  I was born and raised in the church.  My first degree is in Theology, and I spent 3 years as a pastor.  In all that time, I'd never heard anything like that.  Now while I agree that we have the ability to work and to make life better, I find it hard to swallow that the everyone that's poor has an ungodly character.

I can remember my paternal grandmother.  She was stern, loving, and kind.  She had 12 kids, and made sure all of them were in church.  Yet if you ever visited her home, then you wouldn't mistake her for a lady of wealth.  What she lacked in finances, she made up for in faith.  Although there wasn't much money, the house was overflowing with morals.  I'm sure we all have family members, or we are the people, that don't have much in the way of financial wealth.  Yet we can attest that a Godly character isn't the thing that's missing from the homes and lives of these people.  Yes there are some poor people that don't know God, but there's something about not having much that makes you depend on something or someone higher than you.

In this same line of thought, there are some wealthy people that believe in everything but God.  They think that they are the sole reason for their success, and that God is some anomaly that may or may not be present in the affairs of the world.  Then there are some wealthy people that know the saying "If it had not been for the Lord on my side............".

I strongly believe that God blesses the wealthy and the poor.  He cares for those with much and those with little.   There are some theological inferences that could be made to argue both sides of the coin, but in general I believe that God cares for everyone, and a person's financial status isn't based solely on their connection with God.

So I pose this question to you and to my friend, What's God Got To Do With It?  Does that mean that every person in that 1% populace that makes up 95% of the nations wealth have a strong Godly Character?  What's God Got To Do With It?  Does that mean that every millionaire spends time in prayer and meditation, while every poor person forgets about God? What's God Got To Do With It?  Does that mean that Oprah, Gates, and Buffet are going to heaven, but Mary, James, and Anthony aren't?

So really, What's God Got To Do With It?

-Just me

Anthony J. Albury Jr., MBA is an Author, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Law Student, and Entrepreneur.  Visit his website at to learn more about him, for booking, and to purchase his book.